Where is the most romantic place in the capital? Of course, on the roof. Only the two of you are almost under the stars. And below - a magnificent view of the night...
Being in the tropics is easier than it seems. Walking in the coolness of exotic trees - as if in the thickets of Bali.
Certificate for any of the romantic dinners from Altecho. Romance should be shared...
While she went for shopping or at the gym, you can create romance in your bedroom. Imagine her eyes shining with admiration.
A warm secluded gazebo just for the two of you on the most beautiful roof of Kiev with a breathtaking view of the city.
It is just like you appeared in to the underwater kingdom. Around a flock of colorful fish, and an unusual sea creature swims nearby.
It's so nice to lie down in the winter frosty time, to hug a loved one, in hot water under the sky.
A night in a beautiful hotel: here you are leading her down the corridor, putting a blindfold on her eyes, finding the right door and... welcome to the fairy tale...
Romantic dinner in a beautiful fairy-tale hall. As a bonus will be a panoramic windows and views from the 23rd floor of the Dnieper and the South Bridge.
Help your beloved, to feel like a fairy-tale princess, as if from old books about love and adventure...
Imagine how surprised she will be when realized, that there will be only two of you in the cinema where you invited her. Watch your favorite movie, laugh and drink wine.
Romantic dinner in the VIP hall of "Panorama" restaurant only for you with a beautiful view of Podil, Dnipro and Mariinsky park.
Romantic dinner in the dungeon of the ancient treasury. Or maybe you can even solve the mystery of the Scythian king...
Do you want to swim with your loved one in a beautiful pool? And you can drink champagne and eat fruit right there, hugging in the water.
Romantic dinner on the most beautiful roof of Kiev, overlooking the Dnieper, bridges, Lavra, Pechersk, Podil and the entire Right Bank.
It is said that the stars can be seen much brighter outside the city. And if you get to the starfall - the night under the stars will fulfill even the most cherished desires.
Just imagine how often her heart would beat, how her eyes would glow, and then most of her friends would say, "Wow."
Give your beloved heavenly pleasure. After all, all the girls love SPA. Everything around is so tender and beautiful, and next to you.
Beautiful, tender, passionate, mysterious? How do you want to see her? Your best Love Story photo shoot at any of our locations.
You are on a raft, surrounded by water. The waves crash softly and the candles crack. Around no one. As if in the whole world only the two of you.
I wonder, all the girls on horseback imagine themselves as a princess? And if there is also a fabulous dinner in the forest...
Is it possible to feel incompatible at the same time? Of course, adrenaline and delight, complete freedom and power of the wind, and of course weightlessness.
Party, bachelorette party, bachelor party, event, corporate party, birthday, any of your holidays on the most beautiful roof of Kiev.
On Instagram, we arrange a giveavay where you can win a romantic dinner as a gift. Imagine how surprised and happy she will be.
Romantic sailing on a yacht. And she holds your hand tightly. Probably every princess dreamed about this when she was a child.
Romantic words sound special in the sky. And the whole world looks special. What can be more magical than this?
It is better to admire the sunset on the shore. See how the last rays of the sun are reflected in the water. And the waves give coolness to the warm sand.
Tired of banality? This is definitely something new. Easy audacity in the interior. A woodpile and a bike, almost ready to rush into the sunset.
Beautiful, tender, passionate, mysterious? How do you want to see her? Your best Love Story photo shoot at any of our locations.

Dedicate time to your loved one, and leave the organization on
the date to us.

Everyone should do their job.
Romance is the business of Altecho.
® Altecho. All rights reserved.
If you do not want photos and videos from your event to be published on our website or
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